Mission Green Punjab

Towards a Greener

Trees Recently Planted

Mission Green Punjab Aims To Enhance the Green Cover in Punjab.

Mission Green Punjab aims lead the charge in increasing green areas and promoting environmental sustainability throughout the Punjab state. We firmly believe that planting and protecting trees is crucial for the well-being of present and future generations. Through collaboration, education, and community engagement, we strive to create a greener, healthier, and more sustainable environment for all.


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Mission Green Punjab

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About Us

Origin of Mission Green Punjab

Mission Green Punjab is a non-profit, grassroots level organization dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainable development. Founded by passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, we share a common vision of creating a greener and more environmentally conscious state.

3 Billion+
Tree Plantation
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Mission Green Punjab


Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal is the founder and Chairman of Baba Farid Group of Institutions (BFGI), the premier educational institution of northern India, situated in Bathinda Punjab. As a first-generation entrepreneur, he possesses rich & diverse exposure of introducing innovative techniques and unique initiatives to promote the education sector and make it relevant to the requirements of the industry. Dr. Dhaliwal started his journey in the field of education in 1993 from elementary school. Through his visionary approach he has revolutionized the stale education system. Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal is shouldering the responsibility of Chairman of JAC (Joint Association of Colleges) representing more than 1650 Unaided Self-Financed Colleges of Punjab. Besides this he is President of PUTIA (Punjab Unaided Technical Institutions Association), one of the oldest bodies of unaided colleges of Punjab representing Unaided Technical Institutions of Punjab. He is Chief Patron of PUDCA (Punjab Unaided Degree College's Association) representing the degree colleges of Punjab.

Dr. Gurmeet Singh Dhaliwal

Chairman, Joint Association of Colleges (JAC), Punjab
Chairman, Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda

Mission Green Punjab

Environmental Impacts

Mission Impacts

Reduce Global Warming.

Planting trees helps reduce global warming by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acting as natural carbon sinks and mitigating the greenhouse effect, while also promoting biodiversity and restoring ecosystems.

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Mission Impacts

Soil Conservation.

Planting trees helps in soil conservation by preventing erosion, as their roots bind the soil together, reducing the risk of sediment runoff, and their fallen leaves create natural mulch, enhancing soil fertility and moisture retention.

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Mission Impacts

Reduce Carbon Footprints.

Planting trees helps reduce carbon footprints by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, offsetting emissions from human activities and contributing to the global effort to combat climate change effectively.

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Mission Impacts

Positive Impacts on Rural Livelihood.

Planting trees creates a positive impact on rural livelihoods by providing additional sources of income through sustainable timber and non-timber forest products, while also improving access to food, fuel, and medicinal resources, enhancing the overall well-being of local communities.

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Mission Impacts

Increase Biodiversity.

Planting trees increases biodiversity by providing shelter, food, and breeding sites for a wide variety of species, enriching ecosystems and supporting a thriving web of life. Their presence also encourages the return of native flora and fauna, further enhancing ecological diversity.

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Mission Impacts

Reduce Ground Water Depletion.

Planting trees reduces groundwater depletion by promoting water infiltration and reducing evaporation, as their roots act as natural filters, slowing down water runoff and allowing more water to recharge underground aquifers, maintaining a sustainable water supply.

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